The COFA Annual 2013

The Unsung
  • The Unsung

  • Let Karma Do Her Work

  • Double Date

  • Quidditch For Muggles

  • Rise

  • Rise

  • Rise

  • Stride Tvc

  • The Unsung

  • Triangulum Galaxy Part 1

  • Triangulum Galaxy Part 2

  • Triangulum Galaxy Part 3

  • Stride Commercial

Joanna Beveridge
Bachelor of Digital Media

The Unsung
“The Unsung” follows the life of Christopher as he struggles with love, life and his passion for science in an era that does not tolerate his views. During the time of Galileo, scientists were proposing theories and making discoveries that society had difficulty accepting. It often lead to the persecution of forward thinking people and who knows what wondrous breakthroughs where quashed as a result. By completing this script, and others in my spare time, I have proven to myself that story telling is what I love and just maybe my dream of sharing them with others can come true.

Read my resume