The COFA Annual 2013

Dead Throne
  • Womb

  • Womb

  • Womb

  • Lightsphere

  • 'I Want That You Are Always Happy'

  • Skull

  • Skull

  • Skull

  • Deterior (Worse)

  • Deterior (Worse)

  • Deterior (Worse)

  • Voyager

  • Voyager

  • Your Time In Space

  • Your Time In Space

  • Womb

  • A Resurrection Suspended In Time

  • Jubes & Toothpicks

  • Jubes & Toothpicks

  • Jubes & Toothpicks

  • Extrude. Embalm. Expose.

  • Promethean Obsession

  • Promethean Obsession

  • Promethean Obsession

  • In Due Time

  • Dead Throne

  • 'Deterior (Worse)'   Zachariah Fenn

  • 'Voyager'   Zachariah Fenn

  • 'Jubes & Toothpicks'   Zachariah Fenn

  • 'Bushball'   Zachariah Fenn

  • 'In Due Time...'   Zachariah Fenn

  • 'Foundations'   Zachariah Fenn, 2013

  • 'Womb'   Zachariah Fenn 2013

Zachariah Fenn
Bachelor of Fine Arts

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Dead Throne
Charcoal on Calico 140cm x 300cm approx. Installed at All For You 'Roots' exhibition, Gaffa Gallery, Town Hall, 2012 "Let all be put to shame who worship carved images." 'Dead Throne' challenges the integrity of the possessions, experiences, and ideologies on which we place our hope and assurance. Often time and circumstances reveals the futility of such worldly 'stuff' - stuff that is not worthy of worship. Are you placing your world on a dead throne?

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