The COFA Annual 2013


I am a graduating Graphic and Jewellery Designer, and Illustrator with a passion for image creation. Always beginning with the hand rendered, I draw constant inspiration from my surrounds and travels, which are a mix of the natural world, isolated rural settings and vibrant urban centres. I strongly believe that design has the potential for great and positive social change and will always strive to continually experiment and learn.

  • Graphic Design
    Experience designing custom typography, wayfaring design, layout design and visual identity creation. Competency using Adobe Phtotoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.
  • Illustration
    Realistic free hand drawing and rendering skills. High competency using watercolour, arcrylic, and gauche paints, charcoal, pastels, pencil, and ink.
  • Jewellery Design
    Metal working skills including soldering, pressing, bending, cutting and forming. Can use a number of powered machines including blowtorches, rolling mills, drills, guillotines and large scale formers
Bachelor of Design

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